Welcome to the preparation zone, this section will help us to prepare our meeting. Here your first task :

In few days we are meeting one more time all together to commemorate the life of Zivi Miller, a Romanian painter that suffers discrimination before the beginning of the Second World War and his deportation to the death camp. The project TLWE aim to learn from the past, question the today situation and reflect on the future of Europe.

For this meeting in Krakow, we will focus our exchanges on the crucial point of Human rights. These rights didn’t fall from the sky and along our History many people had to fight for their rights. In order to get to know each other i would like to ask you to choose an Human Rights Activist that is important for you. It could be a famous one, an unknown one, it could be an international activist or a very local one…

Please share with us the Human Rights Activist that inspire you. 

Please leave your answer as comments 🙂


4 thoughts on “3

  1. Ciao tutti, i will start because it seems that we’re shy. So I’m Bastien from the association Diritti a Sud i’m in charge of the project “The Long Way to Europe”. I’m involved in the project because where i’m living we are often celebrating the period when we hosted refugees after the second world war without considering the today refugee that are now living in a ghetto outside the city (and that are exploited as labour force in the tomatoes fiels). I think that it’s important to remember this period but it should help us to change the present situation.
    For the question of racism in Italy, we’re living a raise of stigmation of the migrants and other minorities. For example today in the whatsapp group of my basket ball team one guy explain that we stole his car and directly another one accuse the gipsy without any comments from the other. Racism start by small things and behaviour and i hope that together we’ll exchange practices, ideas, methods to fight it !

    A presto



  2. My name is Teodora and I come from Serbia. In my country we do not face racism as much simply because we are not a multiracial country. I think that for the majority, when we see someone from a different race on the street we are surprised and intrigued, in a good way. I am horrified when I hear all these stories from people that are being discriminated. I get disappointed even. It is something that needs to be overcame for good. In my country we sometimes witness labeling because of certain nationality and also sexual orientation. Even though I personally do not consider the situation in our country, regarding discrimination, “that bad” I think it is necessary for people to get rid of any kind of feelings of hate, superiority or inferiority. I want to learn how to make ,as many people possible, realize that we are all equal and that there are no differences between us and thus we should be living in that way.

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  3. Hello everyone!I’m Antonella and I’m from a little village of south Italy. I’m very happy to partecipate at this experience because I will know new people, new cultures and the history of Zivi Miller.
    I think that the topic of discrimination and racism is more current in Italy, because we are a border country and every day more people come in Italy to search a better life.Unfortunately the cohabitation isn’t easy. I hope that all together we can find solutions or ideas to improve it.


  4. Hi, I am Elisa and I come from Tiggiano, a little country on the sea in South-Italy.
    I’m joining this trip because it is an unic opportunity to meet youth from all Europe and pass time togheter in a place I’ve never seen.
    It’s beatiful that we will talk about hot and urgent subjects for search alternative ways of resolution.
    In my country there isn’t a real situation of discrimination but even of integration; however the temperature of impatience is high, in particoular between local merchants and street african vendors, because these last go from store to store for sell their merchandise.
    Sometimes this exasperation becames racism and the solution speaks with the words of extreme right politicians: “Non sono razzista ma…aiutamoli a casa loro”(I’m not a racist but … let’s help them at home)


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